Should You Have Pricing on Your Website as a Wedding Business?

If you’re like most wedding pros, you’ve wrestled with whether to display your pricing on your website. (I certainly did as a wedding cake designer!) On one hand, sharing your pricing can be a great way to attract qualified clients and set clear expectations. However, many wedding business owners worry that sharing their pricing will lead to sticker shock and couples clicking away before they realize how badly they want to work with you.

To put my cards on the table, I’m Team Transparency, all the way — and here’s why.

4 reasons you should share pricing on your website

1. Increased transparency and trust

One of the main benefits of displaying pricing is transparency. By showcasing your prices upfront, you’ll establish trust and build credibility with potential couples. Every couple has a budget, and understanding the ballpark cost of your services from the start can help them determine if hiring you is even within the realm of possibility. Transparency in pricing shows that you value honesty and open communication, which can go a long way in developing a positive relationship with your couples — not to mention building a good reputation for your business.

2. Saves time for you and your potential clients

Question for those of you who don’t currently have pricing on your website: Have you noticed that one of the first things couples ask for is an estimate?

Having pricing on your website helps you from answering the same pricing questions over and over, saving valuable time for you and your potential clients.

Put yourself in an engaged couple’s shoes. They’re researching dozens of vendors, trying to assemble the perfect vendor team. It can be an incredibly overwhelming process! By sharing your pricing information upfront, you can help them quickly determine whether your services align with their budget and needs. Even if they don’t select you, they’ll appreciate it!

3. Your pricing attracts the right clients

One of the advantages of displaying pricing is the ability to attract the right clients for your wedding business. By clearly stating your prices, you’re allowing couples to self-select whether they can afford your services.

Does this mean you might get fewer inquiries? Yes – but that’s a good thing. I means the inquiries you do get will be from qualified couples who are more likely to convert into bookings. And isn’t that better than spending hours on discovery calls, only to get ghosted 50% of the time, because couples don’t know they can’t afford you?

Fewer inquiries is a good thing if it means your inquiries are more qualified.

4. Your pricing signals the value of your service

Displaying pricing can also help you establish your value in the market, attracting clients who understand and appreciate the quality of your work. If you don’t have pricing on your website, many couples won’t even bother reaching out. The couples who do reach out won’t necessarily be qualified to work with you. You’ll end up losing leads who could have turned out to be dream clients.

How To Show Pricing on Your Website

Having pricing on your website doesn’t mean you have to share every detail of every package. Simply stating, “The average couple spends $3500” or “The average investment is $3500 – $4500” is so helpful in setting realistic expectations for couples before they inquire with you. This also works great for wedding pros who custom quote every project.

I’d love to hear about your experience with sharing pricing (or not) on your website! If you do share your pricing, does it help you get better leads? If you don’t share your pricing, will you give it a try after reading this blog?

wedding business pricing on website
Should you have pricing on your website as a Wedding Business?

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